How early I wake up depends on the season, what we have to
accomplish and how late I stayed up the night before! I take an hour
by myself to prepare for the day. I sit in a quiet place reserved for listening. It is worthwhile for me to hear
from God before I hear from all the people in my house.
cook breakfast while the kids get moving, have their own quiet times and feed
the animals. If the chickens are laying, we eat eggs. If my farmer friend
has killed a pig, we eat sausage. My mom cleans the kitchen while the
kids and I gather around the table to start school. And YES! I do realize how
awesome this is!
After we break for lunch, I cover the basics like math,
science and
grammar with the younger three. My
10th grader does the bulk of his work independently. We write and give oral reports as part of a very small co-op. We have a list of assignments and indoor chores to check off. But I will admit that more often than not, if the weather is inviting, we escape outdoors before indoor tasks are done. When it’s planting time, we are learning in the dirt. Harvest time? Well that’s health and nutrition, as we can homemade salsa
and make our own natural medicines for winter colds.
I've shared the basic framework of our homeschool days. But what I really want to leave you with is this: Don't be afraid to change your schedule to let real life in. No book assignment will ever be as important as a conversation with your child about hurt feelings or his dreams for the future. If you fill the day with busyness, there won't be time for questions. And by all means, don't judge the day's worth by comparing your day to someone else's. The earth looks different
according to the seasons, and I think our lives should too.
I'm so glad you are writing again!
Thank you Amy!
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