Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Don't be Fooled by the Eggs That I Got...

I'm still goin' to the Kroger up the block! This is a sad day for breakfast food. These are the last of the farm fresh eggs til fall. We've been getting our eggs from a boy near by who has 70 chickens! But it has gotten so hot that they won't lay eggs. Now we have to use store bought eggs. Yuck!

The kids love stopping by to see the chickens. Some of them lay pastel green eggs. They call these Easter Eggers. This is one of the few pieces of farmland still in operation near our home. The chickens scurried away as soon as I pulled out the camera. But this is still lovely. Oh, to live on a farm!


Danny said...

Keep praying for a farm, girl. Hopefully, we'll get there eventually.

Stephanie Breuner said...

I know what you mean. I keep looking at CSA's (community supported Agriculture) thinking I should buy a share. Have you heard of them? there are quite a few to pick from where I live.

Anonymous said...

Hi first the eggs then a note to stephinie, Henritta, and Gertrude were my moms hens she live in So calif. intill moving in with my husband and my self due to a illness but those hens gave and gave alot of eggs intill the raccoons got them. Now STEPHAIE my garden at home is for our use and to glean for the local shelter But there is a CASA program for Foster care kids in our area it my be by another name for you. It has grown me check it out s.c.

Anonymous said...

That is too bad about the hens not might not know this but I have a little farm girl in me too! My friend, from Indy, and I just got 25 chicks to raise for eggs! One died and then we found out 3 were roosters! But they should start laying in October...if you come visit you will have plenty of fresh eggs! Also, I am part of a CSA and I really enjoy it. My farmer is Amish and I have gotten to know him and his family...great people. Plus I too listen to the FlyLady...I have fallen off the wagon a little bit but since it is just Titus and I we usually can get it back on track in no time. And I hope to live on a farm one day too! See how much we have in common and didn't even know it! I am praying for you while you are in East Asia...keep me updated and maybe we can catch up when you return. Tell Danny and the kidos I say Hey!
In HIs name,
Melissa (from Buckhead now in IN)