Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Conversation Hearts with God

Noah had his first orienteering experience with the Boy Scouts this week. When I picked him up, he told me very excitedly, "Mom, God spoke to me today." Noah and his buddy were having a hard time finding their way. Noah said he was starting to get worried and felt himself getting scared. He sat down and pulled some conversation hearts out of his backpack. As he was crunching away, he read one that said, "Chill Out." Noah said, "Mom, I just knew God was giving me that message. I knew we were going to be ok after that and I wasn't so worried."

As a mom, this thrills my heart that my 11 year old is listening for God. We have talked alot lately about ways that God speaks. However, I did not mention candy. :) I was recently telling him about my turning point in college when I heard God speak so clearly. He was really into that and asked questions about how I knew it was God. Just like we know the voice of our own mom, we can learn to recognize the voice of God. "The shepherd walks right up to the gate...the sheep recognize his voice....they follow him because they are familiar with his voice...they won't follow a stranger's voice because they aren't used to it." John 10 The Message


Rich Stephens said...

Awesomeness. That is way cool. Proud uncle here :)

BTW, I've caught a bit of the "blog bug" too. Check out my new blog, Occasional Sanity

Unknown said...

Wow! What a wonderful, smart, handsome young man you have. I know I'm prejudiced.......but it's true. And most of all, he's a sweet Christian young man.


Amy said...

what a sweet story!