Friday, October 12, 2007

ORANGE - Good on pumpkins not on walls!

Wow! This is vivid color. Can't you just imagine God thinking, "I just can't take people from the bright color of summer to the drab gray of winter. I'm going to grow something orange in the fall!" I never tire of going with the fam to Burt's Pumpkin Patch every autumn. When I arrive and my eyes take in the color, it is as if I have never seen such beauty. But like I said, this color was meant for vegetation. I painted a room this color and beauty is not exactly what comes to mind when I enter that room. The thought is usually, "When can I find a couple free days to undo this decorating don't?"

Danny and I had a good time with the kids today. I love that they love a day like this. It was hot and they played in the stream. We ran into friends up at the Patch. Can't believe we didn't take a picture of Michael and Amy's kids! Argh! But I bet if you click her link, she will have some shots to share.

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