Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy 2009

Making lists I will loose. Reading four totally different books at the same time. Deciding at 10pm to paint a room. These are a few of my favorite things. I call myself unorganized. Beth calls me a dabbler. I like that. I have embraced that persona ever since it reached my ears. "Yes," I thought, "I am a dabbler!" Sure sounds better than starter of many projects, finisher of few. But what do you do when you love eclectic and modern? Clutter and cleanliness? Quilting over vacuuming? Heck, I can't even pick a favorite color and stick to it!

In 2009 this dabbler will try to hone in on a few choice resolutions. Of course, I cannot tell you what they are. I would then be accountable for my actions and called on the carpet for dabbling. Mitzi, I am hoping you are reading this and formulating a plan of action for my inconsistent behavior!!

Last night we had s0me friends over for New Year's Eve. We each wrote down something we hope to see God do in 2009. My intent is that the person taking home a request will pray for that individual throughout the coming year. Even though I knew I was going to spring this on our guests, I had a hard time figuring out what I would write on my own 3x5 card. "But of course," you are saying..."you can't even figure out what book you want to read this month!" And you are right. I want to see God do so many things that I cannot seem to narrow it down to just one request. I've been in my pajamas all day, so I have taken some time to reflect on '08 and ponder '09. Here is what I came up with. So, if you happened to have drawn my card last night, you got alot more to pray about!

I want to speak positively about myself and to my children and husband.
Encourage our children to develop their own daily Bible reading habit.
Organize my time, our house and our homeschool day.
Recognize the needs of others and respond like Christ.
I want to pray with passion, believing the One who listens will act.
Consciously put myself in a position to hear God daily.

When I inventory my life, these are things that are important to me. But I am compelled to ask God to narrow my focus, show me what He wants for me this year. I don't think He expects me to do all these things perfectly just because it is a brand new year at my spot on the globe. He wants more for me than I even want for myself. God knows what's coming in 2009. So I want Him to turn my attention; make His concerns my concerns . May I remember to get up each morning and say, “Here is a brand new day, a blank page. God, what do you want me to do with it?"


Unknown said...

I am praying for a plan of action that fits your God-given personality.

Kirsten said...

I love this! I love your writing!

Danny said...

It's going to be a good year, hon! Good post!