Monday, September 01, 2008

Homeschool Eve

Why I wait til the last minute I will never know. But I am just more creative that way. It's almost 3am and I just finished, cleaning and decorating our school room, copying notebook pages and organizing books and crafts. It's like Christmas Eve! I had to wait til the kids were in bed to do all this. I want the first day of school to be fresh and exciting. So it was out with the old and in with the new. I packed away 1st and 5th grade and brought out 2nd and 6th. I even created a little cubby hole with special stuff for Jett. He is excited to do what the big ones do.

Being that I waited til after Labor Day to begin class, I felt it was appropriate to haul out the fall decor. The room will look clean and different when the kids come down in the morning. Hopefully they will be surprised. I have to sleep now. We are painting t-shirts and decorating pencil boxes bright and early...that's 10am in the Stephens house! :)


Anonymous said...

happy first day of school! H

Anonymous said...

Decorate pencil boxes and T-shirts? Can I come to your school?

How was the first day?

girl on a roof said...

Come on Michelle. I will put you to work!

Michelle said...

I wish you were just around the corner!