Saturday, May 31, 2008

Here it is!

Ah, is the apron. Sometimes I wear an apron just to pretend I am living on a farm and life is slow. Just pausing to put it on makes me slow down and imagine life not being so rushed.

There is a big difference in the atmosphere of our home when I am enjoying fixing breakfast instead of rushing the kids to get it over with. So pretending can be healthy for mom too!

Dove and Promise love to play Little House on the Prairie. They enjoy the slower pace too. They love when I take back roads so they can see gardens and horses and cows. They enjoy wearing their aprons and helping me cook. And as you moms know, that causes you to slow it down a notch! So many times I don't want to slow my pace. I want to hurry up and finish cooking so we can hurry and eat it and hurry to clean it up. One of my goals during our summer break is to learn to enjoy being in the moment.

Lately I have thought of Brother Lawrence in those hectic kitchen episodes. I figure I have something to learn from him. I would like to read The Practice of the Presence of God this summer. I also want to declutter every room, paint my bedroom, sew and quilt, and plan for next school year. And that, my friends, is why I struggle to slow down and enjoy the moment!

1 comment:

Amy said...

i love that apron!