Sunday, April 06, 2008

Spiritual Renewal Retreat

I can't wait to attend this Renovare conference with my mom next month. I have been a fan of Richard Foster for many years. His writings and compilations introduced me to contemplative prayer and the important role of solitude and silence in my relationship with Christ. I've felt more connected with God out in nature, or in a quiet place for a long time. For the past three years I've taken an annual silent retreat each fall. You don't have to be Catholic to do this! When Andy Stanley did the You've Got Style series, I discovered that my tree-hugging, bird-watching, incense burning prayer times were not abnormal! Seriously, it really is freeing to understand the way in which you most naturally connect with God. There is a book called Sacred Pathways that shines some light on this. However, I found Andy's messages much more engaging. Mainly because in reading a book, the parts that don't light my fire, don't hold my interest. I understand that Andy referenced the book when preparing for his sermon series.

1 comment:

Mitzi said...

I am so jealous! I would absolutely love to go to this conference. I am speaking at a Tea that weekend so I can't make it. Tell me all about it. I enjoy reading books by Dallas Willard and Richard Foster. Mit