Saturday, April 05, 2008

It all started...

with a trip to Australia. Last June, Danny went to the Hillsong conference in Sydney. He came back a different man. God had laid claim to him and he wanted to pursue a vision of worship and community that had been awakened in him on this trip. God could have told Danny to quit his job right here at home. But that is not what this was about. This was about what I mentioned in my last post: "the mysterious chamber, the secret wall, God closing us off to something divine, new and unexpected, not to be understood by examining our previous circumstances." In January, God provided the opportunity for Danny to pursue this vision through ONE Atlanta Music. About six weeks into it, God shook the tree and all of a sudden we were clinging to the branches! God told Danny to turn down some investment money. That left us in a place of uncertainty financially. Thus started a journey of trust and faith that is teaching us alot about God's faithfulness. It may take me weeks to post it all. But it is so worth sharing. Our kids are learning along with us what Job said, "My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you."

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