Monday, October 08, 2007

Israel in China

I have a list of significant events I want to blog and China is the biggest. But I know it will take me a long time to tell about being in China, and I never have an hour to type so I keep putting it off. So tonight I will start with what affected me the most.

His English name is Israel and he is 10 years old. I am not allowed to post his picture, so you will have to take my word for this: He is the most precious child! My first hour in the orphanage, I knew why God had allowed me to visit China! This boy needs a family and God wanted us to meet him and tell his story. I am currently working with our host organization to get permission to post his information. When I do, I will tell you more. For now, I will say that this child has made such an impression on us that we talk about him every day and pray for him each night. He is going to be such a wonderful blessing to someone. He is so kind to the other children and is very smart. He has a strong mind and would love to be getting an education. He is eager to learn and laugh and play. I praise God for the brothers and sisters in Christ who are making a huge difference in his life. But I sure would like to see him have a mom and dad, brothers and sisters.

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